In addition to hosting more of our own events this year than ever before, our team is spending more time on the road in 2019. We’re aiming to have a presence at as many regional workshops and events as possible while also participating in many of the big education technology conferences.

Here’s what’s on the docket February through April:


We’re hosting this year’s Technical Congress together with NEFEC on April 10-12 at the Trade Winds Resort in St. Petersburg, FL:

Technical Congress registration information is coming soon!

Then in May and June…

You’ll find us at the COSN CTO Clinics in Indiana and Texas, the SETDA Emerging Technologies Leadership Forum, and the CCSSO National Conference on Student Assessment.

We will continue sharing additions to our event calendar via our monthly Community Digest email. If you’re interested in connecting with us at any of these upcoming events, or want to help spread information about Ed-Fi, feel free to contact [email protected]!

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