Early this year we sat down as a team and mapped out how Ed-Fi can accelerate growth to help our Community solve our nation’s most entrenched education problems like learning loss, equitable access and parent engagement.  We landed on some pretty big stretch goals, that we will use to guide our support of the Ed-Fi Community over the next several years.

To that end, we are happy to report that we have recently hired and realigned our team to support the success and growth of the Ed-Fi Community! Before we all convene in Austin for the Ed-Fi Summit, we want to introduce you to our new team members!

We’ve added two customer support mangers; Kathleen Browning and Nathan Gandomi. A client relationship manager; Michelle Farrell and we’ve realigned two key experts; Lyria Zeh and Michael Minuto to more closely work with the Ed-Fi Community. We also brought on additional technical talent, Mustafa Yilmaz who will be leading the Ed-Fi technical portfolio and Jeff Putnam, a solutions architect working on the vendor team, as well as a cross-team administrative support with the addition of Kelley Rose. You can view the entire team line up here.

Our goal in making these key hires and adjustments is to better support our Community, to grow Ed-Fi adoptions throughout the country and to super charge our efforts. There is a lot of work to be done, and our entire team (even the newbies!) are pushing up our sleeves and getting to work.


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